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The Workstation Group, Ltd. offers a range of products to assist companies implementing mainframe-style computing on UNIX platforms. Since 1989, we have helped IT professionals leverage their mainframe skills when moving to UNIX environments.

For pricing and availability of any of our products, you may call our Sales department at (847) 540-3390. Outside the United States, contact one of our local distributors.


A UNIX implementation of IBM's popular MVS user environment, ISPF.

uni-SPF includes an editor, a browser, system utilities, user-defined configuration options, and options for execution of system commands and foreground or background processes through the familiar panel-based user interface. End users can easily navigate their environment without having to learn UNIX.

uni-SPF Extended includes an embedded Rexx interpreter and provides full capabilities for customization and local extensions to the product written in Rexx. This version provides the ability to implement complex editor macros. It also provides the ability to implement custom panels and local applications using Dialog Management Services from Rexx.


A UNIX implementation of IBM's popular mainframe text editor, XEDIT.

uni-XEDIT provides all the familiar commands and features of the mainframe editor.

uni-XEDIT Extended includes an embedded Rexx interpreter and provides full capabilities for customization and local extensions to the product. This version provides the ability to implement complex editor macros. It also includes uni-FLIST, a full-screen file and directory management utility.


The ANSI Standard Rexx language for UNIX

uni-REXX includes interpreter, compiler, UNIX extensions (UNIX-specific functions, EXECIO, GLOBALV, MAKEBUF, DROPBUF, DESBUF, and RXQUEUE), Application Programming Interfaces and sample library.

The uni-REXX Developer's Kit includes all components of uni-REXX Basic plus a redistribution license. The redistribution license includes a compiler option to generate machine-code binaries of Rexx programs and the right to redistribute such binaries for execution on hosts with no uni-REXX license. It also includes the right to redistribute the UNIX extension commands (EXECIO, GLOBALV, MAKEBUF, DROPBUF, DESBUF, RXQUEUE) as required for use by such Rexx program binaries. The redistribution license is unlimited


The enterprise-wide solution for data access and translation

netCONVERT is the intelligent file translation utility for MVS, VM, and UNIX. It easily converts complex record structures for use on new platforms, including bi-directional conversions to permit use of the same data with applications running on different platforms.